

"CCOF advances organic agriculture for a healthy world. We advocate on behalf of our members for organic policies, support the growth of organic through education and grants, and provide organic certification that is personal and accessible."

National Organic Program

"NOP is a federal regulatory program that develops and enforces consistent national standards for organically produced agricultural products sold in the United States."


Transition to Organic Partnership Program

"The Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) is a network assembled by the USDA’s National Organic Program to support transitioning and organic producers with mentorship and resources."


Organic Produce Network

"Responding to double-digit growth in the fastest growing retail food category, the Organic Produce Network (OPN) was founded in January 2017 to connect facets of the organic produce community through education, information, and live events." 


Organic Trade Association

"The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is the membership-based business association for organic agriculture and products in North America. OTA is the leading voice for the organic trade in the United States, representing more than 10,000 organic businesses across 50 states."


Organic Farming Research Foundation

"Organic Farming Research Foundation works to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems. OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production."


Quality Assurance International

"QAI is committed to supporting vibrant communities and protecting our environment by providing access to organic food and products."


California Land Conservation Assistance Network

"We work to promote the protection of farms, forests, ranches, endangered species habitats, wetlands and other open spaces by empowering landowners to make smart, sustainable decisions about their land."


California State Organic Program - CDFA

"The California Department of Food and Agriculture State Organic Program is responsible for enforcement of the federal Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, and the California Organic Food and Farming Act of 2016."


Organic Materials Review Institute

"OMRI supports organic integrity by developing clear information and guidance about materials so that producers know which products are appropriate for organic operations. OMRI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an independent review of products, such as fertilizers, pest controls, livestock health care products, and numerous other inputs that are intended for use in certified organic production and processing."


Ecological Farming Association

"EcoFarm advances just and ecological farming and food systems through education, alliance building, celebration and advocacy."


ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture

"The National Center for Appropriate Technology’s ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture program supports farmers, ranchers, agriculture educators, and land managers at every stage of their agricultural journey."

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